types of dumbbells

Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Dumbbells

A Technical Guide to Different Dumbbell Types If you’re fed up with the lack of clarity surrounding the different types of dumbbells with articles pumping out information that’s confusing and factually incorrect. We’ve got you covered, as we’ve set about creating the ultimate guide to the different types of dumbbells. This guide covers everything including …


barbell collars

Barbell Collars – Everything You Need To Know

Barbell collars can very often be overlooked in a gym, many people think that they aren’t necessary so don’t tend to bother with them.  However, it’s important to use them each and every time you load any plates on to your bar. What Are Barbell Collars The primary purpose of barbell collars is to keep …


what are fractional plates

What Are Fractional Plates And Why Should You Use Them?

Fractional plates, or micro plates, enable lifters to make small, precise weight increments, crucial for progressing in strength training. Making small weight increments is called micro loading which can result in the difference between winning and losing a powerlifting competition or achieving a new personal record. What Are Fractional Plates – Introduction Fractional weights, also …


hack squat alternatives

6 Top Hack Squat Alternatives For Bigger Legs

The hack squat can be a great gym machine for developing your lower body muscles, particularly your quads, with very little engagement from your lower back.   This makes it a popular alternative to traditional squats using a barbell, which can put a lot of stress on your lumbar spine – especially if you’re not doing them with proper …


exercises for capped shoulders

Want Capped Shoulders? Try These 4 Powerful Exercises

Capped shoulders make you look strong, give you a huge confidence boost (especially when wearing tight t-shirts), and help to create the illusion of a smaller waist.  But contrary to popular opinion it involves more than just working on your side delts, and a decent shoulder workout should encompass exercises to target your front and rear delts too.   When …



What Are Calibrated Plates?

What are the kind of weight plates available to purchase, how are they different from one another and what are the fundamental benefits of calibrated plates over others and are they a worthwhile investment for your gym?

commercial gyms vs independent gyms

Commercial Gyms Vs Independent Gyms

Commercial gyms seem to be popping up everywhere (a bit like coffee shops!). They’re known as ‘big box gyms’ and whether it’s LA Gym or Planet Fitness, you can pretty much find one on every street corner. But how do commercial chain gyms compare to independent and private gyms? In this article, I’m going to …


smith machine exercises for glutes

Top 7 Smith Machine Exercises For Killer Glutes

I’m a big fan of free weights, they give me plenty of freedom of movement when training my glutes.  Whether I’m doing dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts or barbell squats, these exercises are a surefire way of lifting and shaping my glute muscles.   But we’re not here to talk about free weight exercises.  Instead, I’m going to be …


the evolution of strength training

The Evolution of Strength Training

Strength training and weight lifting may seem like a modern concept but in fact it dates back centuries.  Back in the early days it was necessary for man to be strong and fast for the purpose of hunting.  Nowadays though the evolution of strength training is much less about survival and more about keeping fit …


spanish squats

Perform The Spanish Squat Exercise For Stronger Quads

Spanish squats are one of the more unusual exercises that you probably don’t see being performed that often.   That’s usually because it’s carried out in a rehab environment under the supervision of a physical therapist to help with knee injuries like patella tendinopathy.  But, when the Spanish squat exercise is executed with proper form, it can be a great way of developing …
