Setting Up A Gym In A Small Space

Getting fit and healthy in the comfort of your home, saving money from expensive memberships, and sparing yourself from the hassle of having to drive – all of these are possible if you set up your very own home gym.

However, one thing that hinders many people from setting up a gym at home is limitation in space. The good news is that you do not necessarily need a large floor area. With proper planning and the right equipment, you can make the most of a small space. Read on and learn from the tips we’ll share!

Top Tips for Building a Gym in a Small Space

Exercising at home is becoming more popular these days, and many great workouts won’t even require equipment. Still, nothing beats the efficiency of gym equipment in working out specific muscle groups. If a gym environment inspires you to exercise, then it is a good idea to set up a home gym. Space is not a problem! Below are some of the best things to do if you have limited floor area to spare!

1.    Pick the Right Location

One of the first considerations is the specific area where you will set up the gym. A popular option is the garage. It has the right size for most equipment. Plus, it is separated from most areas of the house, so there will be minimal noise disruption when someone is working out.

A spare bedroom can also be a great choice, although not everyone will have one. Regardless, consider the flooring of the room, making sure it can support the equipment you intend to have. It is also vital to have a window or proper ventilation.

You can also utilise existing spaces. For instance, you can turn your hallway into a workout nook. You can do the same in your living room, balcony, or patio. You can even set it up in your bedroom, so you are ready to exercise once you wake up. In these spaces, however, you should use equipment that you can easily stow once you are done working out.

2.    Look for Multipurpose Equipment

To make the most of limited space, invest in multipurpose equipment. Look for ones that you can use for multiple workouts instead of something that is designed for a single purpose. This way, you can do more without crowding your gym.

If you are looking for versatile exercise equipment to add to your gym, some of the best options are kettlebells, jump ropes, wall balls, dumbbells, and resistance bands. They are small but multifunctional, allowing you to work out multiple body parts without requiring generous space.

3.    Go for Foldable Equipment

Speaking of equipment, aside from being multipurpose, it is also a good idea to invest in those that you can fold. This way, it will be a breeze to take them out of your space when you do not need them. Unfold them when it is time to work out, and once you are done, you can tuck them neatly.

Indoor bikes, rowers, treadmills, power racks, bar systems, and cable machines are some of the best examples of foldable exercise equipment. Of course, you do not need all of them in a small space. You must prioritise which one is most suitable for your fitness needs.

Before buying foldable gym equipment, however, pay attention to its durability. It must be strong enough to ensure longevity even with its portable design. Also, it should be tough enough to support the weight of the user.

4.    Use Mirror and Lights

Setting up a home gym in a small space requires making the most of what is available. With such, one thing that you can do is install a body-sized mirror on the wall. This will not only let you see yourself when working out, but it can also create an illusion of a bigger space.

Aside from the mirror, lighting is also key in making a small space seem bigger. Use LED lights with high lumen outputs to brighten up the space. Nonetheless, avoid those that generate too much heat so you can work out comfortably. Another essential consideration is the Kelvin range, which affects colour temperature. Choose 2200 K to 6500 K for a cool blue-white light that will help you become more energised.

5.    Set Up Storage

You may be surprised to see you have more space than you think once you’ve removed all the clutter in your home. The best way to do this is to invest in storage solutions. For instance, consider adding a rack, which is where you can organise weights and other gym essentials. Make use of vertical space, so you can create more room on the floor.

You might also want to consider adding a bench or seat with storage underneath. It can double as a space to rest when you need a break from your routine. A cabinet can also be a good idea, and this is where you can stow your yoga mat and gym towels. If you really have a small space, you can use that cabinet as your gym pantry as well. Here, you can store all your whey protein supplements and pre-workout supplements to give you the energy for your exercises.

6.    Aim for a Minimalist Design

If you hate boring gyms, then you can use your creativity to make them more appealing. Design a more conducive space but make it minimalist. Having too many design elements will cramp the space and make it difficult to move around.

Aside from mirrors and lights, colour choice is another crucial consideration. Go for lighter colours like white or beige. Such colours will help brighten the space and make it look bigger. When decorating, avoid prints or anything bulky.

Being minimalist is not just all about the design elements. You can also do so by picking simple equipment. As mentioned earlier, you should aim for one that is multifunctional. Keep it low-key without compromising your fitness needs.

In Closing

Having no luxury of space is not an excuse to not have a gym. It is easy to set up a fitness corner at home even if you have limited floor area. From using multipurpose equipment to adding mirrors and lights, consider our recommendations above.

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