4 day strength training program

How To Design A Successful 4 Day Strength Training Program

Strength training offers a wide range of benefits, from improving your posture and balance to helping you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. When it comes to training frequency it’s not uncommon for people to think they need to train almost every day for best results. However, that’s not the case. Whilst you can …


push exercises

6 Effective Push Exercises For Your Workouts

Splitting up your training program is a great way of providing structure to your workouts so that you can effectively work each muscle group whilst factoring in adequate time for rest and recovery. There are several ways of dividing up your training such as upper body and lower body, a 4 day workout split or …


devils press crossfit

8 Workout Benefits The Devils Press Crossfit Exercise Offers

Crossfit workouts typically comprise compound movements that are carried out at high intensity. It’s a great way of targeting all the major muscles helping you to build strength and muscular endurance whilst adding lean muscle. If you’re new to this type of functional training, you’ll find that it incorporates movements such as burpees, dumbbell snatches …


Pitching Strength Exercises

5 Targeted Pitching Strength Exercises To Boost Throwing Power

Pitchers play an important part in baseball. Tasked with throwing the ball at the catcher, pitching requires both skill and speed. The pitching motion doesn’t just entail fast arm speed to throw the ball. In order to generate enough force to aid with high speed throws, a number of lower body muscles come into play …


should I go to the gym everyday

Should I Go To The Gym Everyday? 4 Advantages Of A Day Off

The benefits of working out with the aim of improving your physique and overall health are well documented and whether you undertake resistance training or aerobic exercise It’s advised to implement some form of training into your week and to do this on a regular basis but many people ask the question ‘Should I go …


diamond push ups muscles worked

Diamond Push Ups Muscles Worked Plus 4 Huge Exercise Benefits

Do you work out often and need an extra unique muscle workout? If you do, consider adding the diamond push-up, also known as the triangle push up exercise to your daily gym or exercise routine. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at what diamond push-ups are, how to perform them properly, diamond push ups …


how long does a gym pump last

How Long Does A Gym Pump Last? [10 Best Tips To Last Longer]

Those who train at a gym usually attend for one of four main reasons; Bodybuilders are those that train for muscle size and symmetry and typically train with heavier weights. They chase greater muscle hypertrophy and definition through proper nutrition and focused workouts Recommended Reading – What Is A Bodybuilder? An Insight Into What It …


PR Gym Definition Obtain Improved Motivation Performance

What Is PR Gym Definition Workout Motivation Explained

The fitness industry is constantly evolving, with new techniques and emerging trends. One concept that has gained increasing popularity in recent years is the idea of a PR, where individuals can focus on their specific fitness goals and work towards achieving their own personal record. Whether you are looking to build a particular muscle group, …


Exercise and the importance of Sleep

Exercise for a Good Night’s Sleep: Unlock A Better Night’s Rest

It’s a commonly held belief that exercise, whether that be weightlifting or cardiovascular training such as running, can aid with better quality sleep.  In this article we will look at the benefits of working out prior to bedtime and any potential disadvantages and also whether deep sleep can impact muscle growth. Both resistance training and …


eccentric and concentric exercises

Eccentric Exercise: What Is It, Benefits And Examples

The eccentric phase of an exercise contributes more to muscle growth when compared to the concentric phase.  This is due to more resistance against gravitational forces during the eccentric part of the movement.  The concentric contraction is most responsible for improvements to athletic performance.

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