
5 Short Head Bicep Exercises To Skyrocket Your Arm Growth

If your biceps peak is lagging then you’re going to need to focus on exercises that work the short head of your biceps. While you can’t totally isolate the short bicep head, you can emphasize it more by performing different curl exercises with a supinated grip. Stick around as we’re going to recommend some of …


benefits of side leg raises

5 Benefits Of Side Leg Raises Which Transform Your Thigh’s

As many people nowadays lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle, it’s not uncommon to suffer from lower back pain, a weakness to leg muscles, poor hip mobility and even a weak core. This in turn can have a negative impact on everyday activities. Instability in your hip joints is one of the primary causes of lower …


Long Head Of The Tricep Supersize Your Arms Using These Techniques

Long Head Of The Triceps : 8 Exercises & Techniques To Supersize Your Arms

Many people tend to focus on building their biceps for aesthetically-pleasing arms. Whilst this is a good idea, don’t overlook the triceps as they play a significant role when it comes to the overall look of your upper body. Your triceps make up at least two-thirds of your upper arm. Therefore, neglecting these muscles would …


diamond push ups muscles worked

Diamond Push Ups Muscles Worked Plus 4 Huge Exercise Benefits

Do you work out often and need an extra unique muscle workout? If you do, consider adding the diamond push-up, also known as the triangle push up exercise to your daily gym or exercise routine. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at what diamond push-ups are, how to perform them properly, diamond push ups …


overhead press muscles worked

Discover The Overhead Press Muscles Worked Plus 9 Variations

The Overhead Press is a compound exercise performed using a barbell and puts a heavy focus on the Deltoid and Tricep muscle groups. In addition to the deltoids and triceps, this exercise also trains the upper chest muscles (pectoralis major), and the upper back muscles (trapezius and latissimus dorsi). Sometimes referred to as the military …


how long does a gym pump last

How Long Does A Gym Pump Last? [10 Best Tips To Last Longer]

Those who train at a gym usually attend for one of four main reasons; Bodybuilders are those that train for muscle size and symmetry and typically train with heavier weights. They chase greater muscle hypertrophy and definition through proper nutrition and focused workouts Recommended Reading – What Is A Bodybuilder? An Insight Into What It …


PR Gym Definition Obtain Improved Motivation Performance

What Is PR Gym Definition Workout Motivation Explained

The fitness industry is constantly evolving, with new techniques and emerging trends. One concept that has gained increasing popularity in recent years is the idea of a PR, where individuals can focus on their specific fitness goals and work towards achieving their own personal record. Whether you are looking to build a particular muscle group, …


Lower Chest Dumbbell exercises

7 Highly Effective Lower Chest Dumbbell Exercises For Chiseled Pecs

The chest is comprised of four different muscles When performing a chest workout it’s important to focus on each of the pectoral muscles to help build a well-developed chest. Often during chest training, it’s not uncommon for most people to focus on the upper chest, but by limiting exercises to the lower pecs may result …



Dumbbell Curls: Muscles Worked & Techniques To Supercharge Arm Size

When it comes to developing the biceps and other muscles of the upper body, dumbbell curls are one of the most effective. When performed correctly, this excellent exercise can also help to improve your grip strength and forearm muscle endurance. It’s easy to build bigger arms with just a pair of dumbbells. The dumbbell curl …
